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The effects of the Plague loomed over Europe for hundreds of years after its initial wave of terror. People started calling it the Black Death as it was the most deadly pandemic in human history, at it’s peak around 1350 an estimated one-third of Europe was succumbed to this disease. Killing around 100 million people and affecting millions and millions more, it is believed that it took around another 100 years for people to recover from this tragedy.

Death was just part of what the Black Death brought to the people of Europe, including biological, social, economic, political and religious upheavals that define Europe and still sit with them to this day. Despite the population being hit as hard as you can imagine, the economic impact was arguably greater. Essentially the entire European workforce had been destroyed with cities and farms left abandoned. The price of labor went up dramatically as the was a shortage of workers and the cost of most goods rose, although the price on food stayed the same particularly because the population had declined so much.

The survivors of the this epidemic saw life under a new light, what they had seen were things never thought possible and would scar them for life. For one it set the stage for thinkers to revise modern medicine and brought big change to things like public health and hospital management.  The people who survived also suffered from a lack of faith afterwards, rather than looking to god for answers they turned away after seeing what had happened and thought the church offered no help.

Scientists are still documenting the effects of the Black Death on the modern population of Europe and to this day is the worse pandemic recorded. – I’m writing this is wake of our modern pandemic known as Covid-19, who knows what we will call this pandemic in the aftermath. Everything we saw from the Black Death is shockingly similar to what is going on right now outside. Only time will tell what people will write about this horrible disease sweeping the globe right now.